What does Facilties Ministry look like?
It depends who you ask... Meet Andy… Andy is a young man who has Down syndrome, a genetic condition that occurs in one out of every 800 births. People with Down syndrome may have learning disabilities and some physical coordination problems, but often exhibit a loving and happy attitude. They enjoy hands on, concrete learning experiences at a slower pace. Repetition is the best way for them to learn. Andy participates in “Jesus Time” at a residential facility for people with developmental disabilities. Andy, however, is not a resident. He is one of the Voice of Care trained volunteers who sing, make music and share Bible studies with those who live at the facility. Alongside his father, Bill, who plays guitar, Andy keeps rhythm with the music on his tambourine. Voice of Care’s Rev. Paul Klopke has shared how adept Andy is at Christian caregiving. He exhibits kindness, listens to residents and prays with them. “Andy is a wonderful man of God who reflects the love of Jesus,” said Pastor Paul. Meet Deer Path… When Voice of Care approached Deer Path, they had no idea it was in answer to a prayer by Resident Services Coordinator Julie. Julie, a member of a nearby Lutheran church had been hoping for spiritual opportunities for the residents of the independent assisted lifestyle community for adults with physical disabilities. Voice of Care trained volunteers from Julie’s own church, and two other nearby congregations. They began offering devotions and other Christ‐centered activities at the facility. Collaboration with Faith, Hope & Peace Ministries now ensures weekly Lutheran worship at Deer Path, with prayer, hymns, liturgy and God’s Word. The K‐9 Comfort Dogs from Lutheran Church Charities are regular participants. Kathy, a volunteer from one of the participating churches, offered her perspective. “It makes me so happy to know that these are not ‘forgotten’ people. I truly believe that this is where Jesus would be ‐ hanging out, holding hands and listening to them.” |
Voice of Care trains congregations to bring "Jesus Time" devotions into facillities. When a facility is more suited to full worship services that might be modified to be inclusive, Faith Hope and Peace Ministries can help coordinate.
Click here to find out more about Jesus Time Ministry in facilities. |